12 Tips to Help You Lose Your Belly in 30 Days

The modern easy lifestyle has made us overweight and lazy. I know this isn’t a political correct term to use, but I am afraid it holds true for most of us. Spending hours in front of TV, PCs and laptops have deprived us of necessary physical activity. And, don’t get me started about the fast food and processed food.

Yes, many occasionally rouse from or slumber of inactivity and make short lived resolutions of losing weight, to get back in perfect state. And, within a week most dump their plans in the nearest bins and relapse to old lifestyle. However, there are some who do keep them and try to achieve their weight loss goals. This article is for those few courageous, determined, strong willed and hardworking individuals. The tips mentioned in this article will help you make significant dent in your weight loss goals.

  • A morning walk


An early morning walk before a breakfast is a good way to start your day. A brisk morning walk before the breakfast is more effective in shedding pounds. As you have eaten nothing, therefore, you are in a fasting mode and all the energy consumed by a brisk walk would come by burning the fat deposits. Another benefit of a brisk walk before the breakfast is that it also triggers a bigger reduction in artery-clogging blood fats.

This fact has been verified by Dr. Jason Gill, who has conducted the research at Glasgow University to see the effect of morning walk in terms of weight loss. In his research, it was found that men who did walk before the breakfast used up 33 per cent more fat than those who exercised after eating. Dr. Gill also revealed that an hour’s brisk walk every day for ten days can help you lose one pound more than others.

  • Oatmeal Breakfast


Have an oatmeal topped with some fruits for a fat churning start. This breakfast is loaded with insoluble fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol and feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut. This triggers production of butyrate in your gut. Butyrate is a type of fatty acid that reduces fat-causing inflammation throughout your body. Also, oatmeal has much fewer calories than other breakfast alternatives. For example, a half cup of dry oatmeal contains 150 calories, which is enough to make a fulfilling meal. You can add fruits and nuts to make it more wholesome and healthy, without worrying about having too many calories.

Another advantage of having oatmeal for breakfast is that it is low in fats. As you might know, the low fat foods can help you cut down the calories, you consume. A single serving of oatmeal has only 3 grams of fat, which primarily consists of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. These fats are essential for the proper functioning of your body.

  • Go red

Red Fruits

The small change can have a huge effect on the weight loss process. One such change is to go for red fruits instead of green ones. The red color of the fruit comes from higher levels of nutrients called flavonoids, particularly anthocyanins and lycopene. These compounds are known to limit the effect of the fat storage genes. Especially, the red-bellied stone fruits such as plums have phenolic compounds that have been shown to control and decrease the expression of fat genes.

The anthocyanins are known as powerful antioxidants that apart from aiding weight loss, also help to control high blood pressure and protect against diabetes-related circulatory. The lycopene compound helps reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including prostate cancer.

  • Eat avocados


The avocados have become immensely popular as a wonder fruit. Apart from being laden with nutrients, the avocados help in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, prevent cancer, protect eyes and more importantly help you in weight loss. Rich in vitamins and low on calories, the avocados are a best option for those struggling to shrink their overgrown gut. As they help in squashing your hunger, they are effective in helping you stick to your dieting routine. A study published in Nutrition Journal, revealed that the participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported a 40 percent decrease in desire to eat for hours afterwards.

Another way, in which avocados help in fighting weight gain is that it neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are destructive rogue oxygen molecules that can severely hamper your metabolism. The antioxidants in avocado tackle free radicals before they can cause any health problems.

  • Have plant protein smoothie

Plant Protein Smoothie

The plant protein drinks are a great way to get the necessary nutrients and proteins that would sustain your body during workouts and at the same time with powerful antioxidant elements will increase your metabolism. The plant protein shake gives you fat burning and hunger squashing benefits which along with torching extra inches also has myriads of health benefits such as improved digestion, glowing skin, healthy hair and prevention of cholesterol related diseases. Such type of drinks don’t have saturated fat and is devoid of growth hormones that could be present in animal based protein drinks.

Other benefits of the plant protein smoothie is that the chances of inflammation and bloating caused by other protein heavy drinks is near to negligible. The high alkaline in such drinks improve your digestion, combat inflammation, reduce stress and protect bone health.

  • Eat more eggs


According to a research conducted by the Rochester Centre for Obesity in America, eating eggs could help limit your calorie intake for the rest of the day, by more than 400 calories. The eggs are a rich source of protein, which is essential if you are to maintain pace in your fat torching workout. Along with protein, the eggs are packed with variety of nutrients such as zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E and B12 and have very low calorie count with just 85 calories each. Eating eggs keep you full for longer time, reduce calorie intake and still provides your body with necessary nutrients to aid in a healthy weight loss.

  • The magic water

Spa Water

The spa water, also known as detox water is another great weapon that can help you lose the unwanted fat quickly and efficiently. It is very easy to prepare and along with weight loss has myriads of benefits. To prepare your own spa water, all you have to do is place slices of fruits, vegetables or herbs in a pitcher of cold water. Drink at least eight glasses of this spa water and witness the magical powers of it.

For effective weight loss, you should prepare a spa water using citrus fruits. The citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant delimonene, which is a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and sends your metabolism into a fat burning overdrive. Other benefits of the spa water include better digestion, reduction in muscle fatigue and better recovery from a workout.

  • Make your own trail mix

Trail mix

First of all, let me explain that trail mix is a snack consisting of nuts, dried fruits and chocolate, originally carried by hikers and mountain climbers to satisfy their hunger and to get necessary nutrients. You can prepare your own trail mix, which come in handy when the unexpected pangs of hunger strike. This will prevent you from munching on unhealthy and fatty snacks. Mix up your favorite nuts, unsweetened dried fruit, seeds and chocolate to prepare a snack which has protein, fiber and healthy fats in abundance. Throw in soya nuts and you can even use it as a pre-workout snack.

  • Short workouts

The most common reason thrown around for an inability to stick to a workout is that there is shortage of time. Between doing long work shifts and balancing household responsibilities, little spare time is left. And, if you get in an irritating traffic, then even that small window disappears. So, is there no hope? Well, there is. Instead of doing one long workout, you can opt to do small, yet intense workouts. Like lovely Jennifer Aniston, who maintains her hot figure by doing five minute workouts for five times a day, you can also do short circuit workouts to shed kilos without worrying about finding time. You can opt to do three 10 minute workouts before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Another way to fit a workout in your schedule is to do short workouts during TV commercials. You can do a set of pushups, crunches, squats or lunges. You can even do planks while reading your favorite novel.

  • Dark chocolate and berries for dessert

Chocolate Berry

If you have to completely resist the temptation of indulging in your sweet-tooth, then the chances are that you will bottle up your dieting plan. Instead, indulge in desserts and at the same time, further fuel your metabolism machine. The researchers have revealed that the flavonoids present in dark chocolate can help you to lose weight. Not only, it has generous presence of antioxidants but also help in keeping blood sugar low. The study conducted by the University of L’Aquila in Italy found that people who ate a bar of dark chocolate once a day for 15 days in a row had decreased their potential for insulin spike by almost 50 percent. The insulin spike stores sugar straight into your fat cells, which leads to fat accumulation.

Why berries? Because they are high in water and fiber, which can keep you full for longer duration. Also, they help in satisfying your sweet cravings at the fraction of calories present in cookies and brownies. Last, but not the least, they are loaded with antioxidants.

  • Be careful about peanut butter

Peanut Butter

The peanuts are great for weight loss. They have mono-saturated fats and proteins in peanuts help in increasing metabolism and shaving inches from your waist. The fiber present in the peanuts keep you full for longer time and also squashes hunger. Also, peanuts have Genistein, a compound that helps to reduce your obesity genetically and reduces your body’s ability to store fat. However, you do have to be careful when buying peanut butter. If the peanut butter contains ingredients such as sugar, palm oil, or anything you can’t pronounce, then place it back on the shelf and walk out because the presence of these ingredients can undermine the benefits of the peanuts.

  • Eat your veggies


We will end our article with the fundamental and most important tip – eat your veggies. The green veggies have the marvelous tendency of filling you in rather than filling you out. Also, the vegetables are full of fiber, which we all know helps in suppressing unexpected hunger pangs. They keep you remain full, satisfy your hunger, provide with numerous nutrients and are low in calories. A cup of a pasta has around 190 calories, whereas one cup of green beans has just 44 calories, and one cup of broccoli has 30 calories.

The leafy veggies such as collard greens, watercress and kale have a compound called sulforaphane. The sulforaphane compound helps in better absorption of fats and facilitates in developing a healthier body weight.
