Saints Angelina & Shiloh Jolie-Pitt rescue a village of kids

This story was too funny to pass up. Probably because I’m a little tired and punch-drunk, I keep thinking about CB’s post from yesterday, the one about Brad Pitt offering Quentin Tarantino a “slice” off of a hash brick and a coke-can bong. I keep imagining little Shiloh watching her daddy and yelling, “No, Daddy! I hate it when the nasty smoke monster comes to play. Waah!” And then Shiloh runs to Angelina, who takes out her “Keeping Brad In Line” whip and mutters to Shi, “Don’t worry, baby, Mama’s gonna take care of that nasty smoke monster.” And yes, I am referencing Lost in a Brangelina fantasy.

Anyhoodle, this story just made me think about that. Because it’s about Saint Angelina, and her holy progeny, Saint Shiloh. And before everyone jumps down my throat for saying the dreaded “saint” word – I didn’t say it first, and I have never said that about Angelina. I don’t think she’s a saint. I just think she’s a good, interesting person that is the target of some of the nastiest gossip out there. This is a fawning story from Life & Style about people referring to Angelina as a “saint”. The people are a group of kids that were helped by donations from the Jolie-Pitt Foundation to a Namibian school. Unfortunately, the tagline for this story is “Shiloh Rescued a Village of Kids!”

The children attending the Okanimekwa school in Namibia have never seen an Angelina Jolie movie or read about her and Brad Pitt in magazines.

Yet they’re certain how they feel about the star. “She’s a very special person, and we’ll never forget her,” 16-year-old student Emiliana Shikongo tells Life & Style.

“She must be a holy person,” adds another student, Andreas Kristofelius, 17. “I think Angelina Jolie must be a saint.”

The reason for their adoration? Angelina changed the lives of the 589 children at the school — along with thousands of other Namibians — after giving birth to daughter Shiloh in the African nation in 2006.

When Angie and Brad sold Shiloh’s baby pictures, they said that the proceeds, a reported $4 million, would go to help children in Africa and other parts of the world.

[From Life & Style]

Well, that’s lovely. I guess that the part about the donated money is true, but I would also guess the kids were probably coached to say certain things. Or perhaps Shiloh did don a cape and run into the school to save all of those kids. Anything’s possible with that little saint.

Angelina and the kids in New Orleans on 10/6/08. Credit: Bauergriffinonline
